Do You See the Potential in Your Children?

Spring and Easter. A time of growth… growth in nature and also growth in our spirits. It thrills me to notice the green shoots poking out of the thawed spring soil when I catch a glimpse outside my window.

I get really excited about spring because it is so full of potential. And I am reminded that one of our greatest privileges as moms is to help our kids grow into their potential. But how do we do that?

The Bible gives us a profound example of how Jesus coached one of his disciples to grow into his full potential. Jesus saw potential in Peter—potential that other people might have overlooked because of Peter’s impulsive, strong-willed personality.

In fact, Peter was so strong-willed that he tried to dissuade Jesus from fulfilling the plan that God had set in place for Him—the plan for Jesus to die on the cross to save the world (to save us!) from sin and death. Jesus sharply rebuked Peter and said, “Get behind me Satan!” (Matthew 16:23 and Mark 8:33) because He knew that Satan could use people to discourage and distract us.

Later in the story, we see that Jesus’ predictions did come true. Jesus was, indeed, sent to His execution, and Peter denied that he knew Jesus because he was afraid that he would be punished, too. When Peter realized that he did deny his Lord, despite his earlier brash assertions that he would never do such a thing, he wept bitterly. He was feeling like a loser. 

Not much evidence of potential in Peter at that point. It looked like he had given up on himself because he sullenly returned to his work as a fisherman. But Jesus had not given up on Peter. Jesus rose from the dead and appeared to Peter on the lakeshore to make breakfast for him. And we get to listen in on one of the most tender conversations recorded in scripture. Jesus did not scold Peter for denying Him. Rather, He lovingly restored Peter into relationship with Himself, and commissioned Peter to be the leader of the church.

  • Do you see that kind of potential in your children? What personality traits can you affirm in them?

  • Do you see a bright future for your children, or is your vision clouded by the impulsive, immature things they do today?

  • Just as Jesus had to rebuke Peter on occasion, do you see any wayward tendency in your child that needs your correction?

  • How can you speak words of encouragement and redemption to your children, just as Jesus spoke to Peter over their breakfast picnic?

Jesus saw the potential in Peter when no one else did—not even Peter himself. And our kids need parents who will similarly cheer them on to attain their full potential! 


Theresa Nelson

Theresa Nelson first participated in the Mom to Mom program as a new mom in 2002. Since then she has served as a Titus 2 leader, speaker, writer, and more recently, as a board member with Mom to Mom Ministries. She has a professional background in high tech public relations, but discovered a new passion for encouraging and empowering moms after becoming a mom herself. She teaches classes on family and marriage at churches and parenting groups and delights in equipping the next generation of parents to create healthy families and healthy homes.

Theresa loves hiking and spending time in nature, especially on Cape Cod in Massachusetts. She also enjoys traveling and learning about different cultures—especially food! She loves to cook and host dinner parties for family and friends in her home.

Theresa and her husband, Don, live in Lexington, Massachusetts, with their two teen-aged daughters.