I Would Like to Introduce . . .

. . . the newest member of our family: Nils David Anderson was born February 23, 2010, in Dover, New Hampshire. Bjorn and Abby are two very proud parents, and “Big Bro” Soren is very happy to tell everybody: “I got a new baby brother!”

We are all so very grateful for Nils’ safe arrival. He is healthy and alert and, I have to say, quite a handsome little guy. What great gifts God gives!

You can imagine how much fun this happy Nana had spending 12 whole days in New Hampshire, first hanging out with Soren while Nils took his time coming, then staying with Soren while Mommy and Daddy were in the hospital. We read piles of books, played car smash-ups, and visited a children’s museum and the library - twice in one week.

He entertained me continually with his just-turned-three commentary on life. A commentary that included everything from his question on waking up one morning (“Nana, do I look older?”) to his concern about birds at a feeder (“Nana, they don’t pray before they eat . . . You should pray, guys”) to his descriptions of his little brother being in “Mommy’s tummy car” to his answer when I asked him about who the man was in a Bible story picture he had colored (“Oh, that’s Zaccheus. He’s just some climber guy.”)

Once Nils arrived home from the hospital, the real adventures began. That first night, the wind was howling wildly, rattling windows and shaking branches against the house. With Soren in bed, we snuggled up with Nils and settled in to watch the Olympics. Just as we were about to watch the final six skaters in the Women’s Figure Skating long program (my favorite part of the Olympics - sigh), Abby and I saw a flash and heard a strange sound outside. The house suddenly went dark. Obviously power was out throughout their neighborhood. And, as it turned out, for some 200,000 plus people in southern New Hampshire. We later learned that the storm sweeping through their area had clocked winds in excess of 90 mph.

That was the beginning of a string of adventures for Nils and his family. A two-day power outage. Packing up everything needed for a new baby and a 3-year-old for a trip down to the Boston area to stay with generous relatives in their warm house. A return home followed by a boiler eruption which sent huge clouds of steam pouring up the stairs into the kitchen. A leaking washing machine.

Then, just six days after Nils came into this world, a readmission to the hospital because Abby had developed an infection. She and Nils have spent two days there. But as I write this, I just got the call that Abby got the “all-clear” and she and Bjorn and Nils are on their way home from the hospital.

What a wild first week in the life of this sweet family of four! I know all you moms are feeling with Abby right now. She has been simply amazing through it all. As I told her the day I left and her parents arrived to help out, my admiration for my daughter-in-law, which was always high, has even risen higher.

Also my gratitude for God’s hand of care and protection through all this. Even amidst a week none of us ever would have wished on a family bringing home a new baby, there have been so many “God moments.” Protection during the storm. Provision of my great brother and sister-in-law to not only provide a warm house but even turn the weekend into a house party, with great food and fun and visits from friends. Heat now restored in Bjorn and Abby’s home.

The gift of antibiotics to knock out infections that decades ago could have raged unabated. God’s timing that a connecting flight Bjorn had on a trip he was to take to Colorado was delayed in Chicago, allowing him time to get word of Abby’s infection and turn around and get home instead of traveling further west. Even a great experience with airline customer relations, with an immediate flight back to Boston and a waived change fee.

Above all, we praise God that Nils is whole and healthy and Abby regaining her strength. How much we have to be thankful for!

And oh yes, another praise I almost forgot. Some of you will remember Soren’s broken femur last summer and his two months in a body cast. Last Friday he had his 6-month checkup and was told his leg has healed so perfectly they didn’t even need to do x-rays.

What a gift to see him running and playing. He’s had a hard time seeing Mommy go back to the “hostipal.” But today he welcomes her home again—for good this time, we trust.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow!