Rest for the Weary

Now that the Mom to Mom year is drawing to a close, it’s time to kick back and take a much deserved rest.  Here’s my formula for perfect summer rest:

Pick a restful spot. I’m an Atlanta girl. My restful spot is the porch.

Choose a comfy chair. Mine is in the shade on my side porch.

Pour a cool drink. Remember, I’m an Atlanta girl. My drink of choice is sweet iced tea with lemon.

Choose a good book. I have three recommendations for summer reading: The first is One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp—a book that leads you into radical gratitude with poetic words and graceful imagery. The second is Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy—an accurate history of what happened in Germany during World War II and of the man God chose to lead a generation of believers through the mire of history (a perfect read for current times). The third recommendation is A New Kind of Normal by Carol Kent. Kent writes authentically about what happens when life doesn’t turn out as you expect.

Now, put your feet up and REST.

From the Atlanta Girl